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Amabeere Caves

Located near a pretty waterfall, this small cave is said to be the birthplace of a legendary king.


While the Amabeere Caves are actuality more of a large overhang, the local lore and nearby waterfall make them a fun curiosity. To locals, the Amabeere Caves are known as Amabere Ga Nyina Mwiru, which translates to the “Breasts of Nyinamwiru”. According to legend, a local usurper king had his daughter Nyinamwiru’s breasts cut off to make her less attractive to men, but this didn’t keep men at bay, so he hid her in a cave. The Batembuzi King Isaza managed to find her, and Nyinamwiru eventually gave birth to their son, Ndahura. Her mastectomy left her unable to breastfeed, so she baby Ndahura fed on the milky-whit liquid that dripped from the cave’s stalactites. Eventually, Ndahura would become king and form one of the great empires of the Great Lakes area of Africa.


Local time오전 3:28 GMT+3
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