North Macedonia
Monks set this monastery complex far in the countryside to commune with nature and take part in the religious tradition of living in solitude.
Lesnovo Monastery was founded in the 11th century by orthodox hermit monks who sought a life of religious study, solitude, and meditation. It was set in a quiet valley surrounded by thick forests where they could experience physical and spiritual distance from the outside world. Being a hermit was a somewhat common religious practice for monks in the Middle Ages, and the extensive cave system near Lesnovo Monstery became a common site for hermitages or solitary dwellings. Today, Lesnovo Monastery is known for its many well-preserved and detailed frescoes dating back to the 14th century. The frescoes feature scenes from Psalms and the life of Christ alongside dancers of the regional kolo dance, showing the intertwining of ancient religious tradition with South Slavic cultural practices of the Middle Ages.
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