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Nacunday National Park

These impressive falls reign supreme in a swath of pristine Atlantic forest.


Nacunday means ‘river of the Ñacunda nighthawk’ in the Guarani language. Nighthawks are indeed plentiful but only one of the many species of birds that make the national park their home. A vast variety of flora and fauna reveal the incredible amount of biodiversity that Paraguay holds. Monkeys, foxes, large cats, and deer can all be found in the park that is quickly growing in popularity with locals and foreigners alike. The greatest attraction in the park is still nonetheless the falls themselves. At 35 meters tall and 110 meters wide, the falls form a daunting wall of water that show the sheer power of the flow rushing its way into the Paraná River. The park offers a bounty of all sorts and native Mbya Guaraní still live in the park and can be seen collecting resources and even on occasion performing traditional ceremonies.


Local time06:00 GMT−3
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