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Quirigua Archeological Park

While it might not be the largest of Mayan ruins, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to the empire’s largest and most elaborate sculptures.


Quirigua archaeological park marks the remains of what was once a flourishing Mayan city, made rich from a monopoly on the Caribbean jade trade. In the 8th century, the entire city was remodelled to suit its role as a royal residence and administrative center, before being abandoned 200 years later. At first glance, the ruins aren’t the most impressive - little more than the foundations remain of the pyramids and other monuments. But take a moment to take in the size of the Great Plaza, the largest known public space in the Mayan empire, and you get a sense of how mighty this city once was. What sets Quirigua apart from other Mayan ruins are its sculptures, which are the largest pre-Columbian carvings in the Americas, and the most substantial stele in the world. These are ornamented with deities and mythological animals, full-figure hieroglyphs, and sculpted calendars, and are considered some of the most elaborate stone inscriptions from the Mayan civilization.


Local time20:36 GMT−6
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