您将享受舒适的旅程,持续 3 小时 20 分钟。
隐匿于巍峨的阿尔卑斯山中,这个迷人的湖边村庄被称为“德国最美丽的地方”。 独一无二的地方
这个迷人小镇的魅力源于其“白金”盐矿,这些盐矿曾是萨尔茨堡财富的来源。 从头开始建造
在奥地利维芬镇高耸的900年历史的霍亨韦尔芬城堡,体验一次高海拔的历史邂逅。 让电影爱好者愉悦的城堡
在青铜时代这里有铜矿开采,现在这个小而美丽的城镇依赖旅游为生。幸运的是,它有很多可供欣赏的景观。 古老的东阿尔卑斯山小镇
新石器时代时人们在维拉赫穿皮衣,后来他们又穿上了罗马长袍。如今,它是一个重要的基础设施纽带,是阿尔卑斯-亚得里亚地区的关键组成部分。 长牙的南奥地利阿尔卑斯小镇
布莱德湖自然形成于博欣冰川融化释放的水域。这个翡翠绿色的湖泊提供了绝美的自然美景,您不容错过。 阿尔卑斯山中的故事书般的景观
“ 我对这家公司有些犹豫,但在Trip Advisor上看到一些好评后,我决定冒险尝试。现在我非常高兴我们这么做了。我们需要从清迈到清莱的交通。我们的司机Saksun是一位非常出色的司机——这段路程不长(按照德克萨斯的标准!),但路况较为复杂,并且有许多地方正在进行道路改善。整个行程大约花了3小时,我们在一个地方停留,那里有非常干净的洗手间、非常有趣的温泉,还有一个可以买小吃和冷饮的地方。Saksun的车非常适合这种类型的驾驶——非常舒适,显然得到了很好的维护,而且非常干净。我强烈推荐这家公司。我以前在Trip Advisor上用“lakekariba”发布过评论,但后来我不再习惯这样做了。这家公司使用起来非常方便,结果也非常愉快,令我觉得Daytrip公司和司机Saksun赢得了我们的信任,并且值得一个好评。Gillian和Ted Pearsall 德克萨斯州奥斯汀”
2024年12月3日“Recently completed a series of moves between cities on a visit to Central Europe. The service we got from Daytrip was absolutely excellent! Our drivers Ferenc S(Budapest to Ljubljana), Lucas S (Ljubljana to Salzburg) and Jiri B (Salzburg to Prague) were first rate! Daytrip sent us there pictures and phone numbers a few days before pickup. The drivers were all early, their cars clean and modern. The lunch stops were well chosen. I have recommended this service to our Australian travel agent! I completely recommend them! Far better than other options of flights, car rental, bus or train!”
2018年7月1日“We are so happy we found Day trip. Really made our vacation so smooth and we were able to see so much more than if we took the train. The company is so flexible and you are able to pick your stops and times! Our 5 drivers were all a little early so they could put our luggage in their car. On one of our stops we had a special request that was not on their transfer tours and Daytrip emailed us back immediately to confirm our request. Their customer service is above and beyond! We did not know that our driver would also be our guide at our stops. I would not call them "tour guides", but they each brought something unique to the areas. They all had knowledge and insight into each of the areas we visited. We had 5 different drivers and they were all amazing! We were picked up from the Vienna airport and stopped in Bratislava on the way to Budapest. We arrived early and sent a text to Marek who was picking us up. He was already by the airport as he was tracking the flight! We were then going from Budapest to Prague with a stop in Mikulov. Judit showed up at the hotel as we were checking out. She was great! Our 3rd leg of the trip was a transfer from Prague to Salzburg. Martin picked us up and we made stops in Hallstatt, Cesky Kremlov and Sankt Wolfgang before arriving in Salzburg. Martin was very knowledgeable about all of these areas! Next we went from Salzburg to Ljubljana with Matik. On the way, we stopped at the Postojana Cave. Matik was great! Last transfer on this trip we went from Ljubljana to Vienna with Matej. We stopped in Graz on the way. Matej was awesome! Each of these 5 drivers, had their own special ways about them, which we thought made everything so much more interesting. Each one had a unique way of explaining the city stops to us, pointing out sites on our drives and all drivers were awesome! There were water bottles waiting for us on the transfers and some of the drivers had snacks. Great personal touch!!! We are so happy with Day Trip and would recommend their services!!!”
2017年10月10日所有 Daytrip 司机都会说英语*以及他们的母语(有时还会说其他语言!)。他们很乐意与您讨论当地的历史和文化,并回答您可能有的任何问题。而且因为他们会说这种语言,他们能够为您提供一个独特的机会来接触当地文化。*Lite 服务的司机不要求会说英语,但必须符合所有其他标准。
小费不包括在内,也不是必须的,但如果您非常享受您的行程,可以选择给司机小费以表示感谢(10% 就足够了)。
Austria - Italy
Austria - Switzerland
Austria - Italy
Austria - Slovenia
Austria - Switzerland
Austria - Switzerland
Austria - Germany
Austria - France
Austria - Italy
Austria - Italy
Austria - Croatia
Austria - Germany
Austria - Italy
Austria - Switzerland
Austria - Croatia
Austria - Switzerland
Austria - Hungary
Hungary - Slovenia
Italy - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Czechia - Slovenia
Italy - Slovenia
Switzerland - Slovenia
Switzerland - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Italy - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Italy - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Italy - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Croatia - Slovenia
Hungary - Slovenia
Austria - Slovenia
Czechia - Slovenia