您将享受舒适的旅程,持续 3 小时 50 分钟。
一座未经破坏的巴洛克宫殿,蕴藏着数百年的贵族历史。 一座皇家时光机
这是希特勒在东线的三个主要指挥中心之一,长铁路隧道和较小的碉堡已被改建为博物馆。 历史的黑暗
这座14世纪城堡的部分重建遗址让游客得以进入这座曾经强大的堡垒的地下室。 辉煌重现
琴斯托霍瓦的雅斯纳·古拉修道院是世界第三大天主教朝圣地,也是一个奇迹般的宗教圣像的所在地。 黑色圣母像的故乡
这座美丽的巴洛克修道院创造了自己的天堂,四周环绕着安静的步道和历史悠久的隐修院。 寂静之山
1979年被命名为联合国教科文组织世界遗产,几乎没有人不知道奥斯维辛这个臭名昭著的纳粹集中营的恐怖。 大屠杀的象征
“ 我对这家公司有些犹豫,但在Trip Advisor上看到一些好评后,我决定冒险尝试。现在我非常高兴我们这么做了。我们需要从清迈到清莱的交通。我们的司机Saksun是一位非常出色的司机——这段路程不长(按照德克萨斯的标准!),但路况较为复杂,并且有许多地方正在进行道路改善。整个行程大约花了3小时,我们在一个地方停留,那里有非常干净的洗手间、非常有趣的温泉,还有一个可以买小吃和冷饮的地方。Saksun的车非常适合这种类型的驾驶——非常舒适,显然得到了很好的维护,而且非常干净。我强烈推荐这家公司。我以前在Trip Advisor上用“lakekariba”发布过评论,但后来我不再习惯这样做了。这家公司使用起来非常方便,结果也非常愉快,令我觉得Daytrip公司和司机Saksun赢得了我们的信任,并且值得一个好评。Gillian和Ted Pearsall 德克萨斯州奥斯汀”
2024年12月4日“Absolutely wonderful experience! That was our first time using DayTrip and after reading the reviews we decided to give it a shot. We needed a ride from Warsaw to Krakow. And then 2 days later from Krakow to Budapest. Both rides were great! Our drivers picked us up in our hotel. They both were on time. Super friendly and professional. Both rides were very comfortable. They had plenty of water ready for us. Stopped for snacks or bathrooms whenever we needed. It was fun seeing county side from the comfort of a nice car! Definitely will use DayTrip again for our future travels and would highly recommend it to anyone!”
Marina H
2021年12月18日“We recently used daytrip to travel between Budapest and Krakow and again between Krakow and Warsaw. Both trips the drivers were on time, clean cars, spoke excellent English and answered our many questions! Attila K drove us to Krakow and went above and beyond to get us into the old town where our hotel was located and difficult to find. Michal W took us to Warsaw and suggested an alternative stop at the Jasna Gora Monastery which was excellent.”
2019年6月11日“On January 3, 2019 we used Daytrip for a private driver to take us from Krakow to Warsaw, with a stop to see the Black Madonna.We met Michal, our driver, at Novum House where we were staying. He was a few minutes early, which was nice. Michal was 27 years old, very friendly and accommodating. He was born in a small Polish town but grew up in Krakow. It didn't take long for us to feel we were not being driven to Warsaw by a hired driver, but by a friend, or even our nephew. Michal drove us about 2 hours to see the Black Madonna at Jasna Góra Monastery in Czestochowa. When we arrived, he went in with us. There was a service going on in the same sanctuary as the Madonna, which the three of us participated in. After we explored the sanctuary, Michal took us outside to see Czestochowa at night, and to see where Pope John Paul II spoke to the masses. Michal's energy and enthusiasm as he explained what it was like to have the Pope there brought the scene very much to life. When we were ready to go, I was hungry. We still had a couple of hours drive to Warsaw so I suggested we grab dinner. Michal found an Italian restaurant called Manzoni in Czestochowa and we had a delicious meal with our "nephew". Daytrip provided excellent services. They kept us up-to-date on our plans and Michal was a joy. The weather was not good and he was a very safe driver. He also knew the roads very well. We felt safe with Michal at the wheel. While we were with Michal, he booked a trip for the following day from Krakow to Vienna, so he obviously is an experience long distance driver. I highly recommend Daytrip. If you are seeking a private driver while in that part of the world, please ask for Michal directly. He will make your trip better than you thought it could be.”
2019年1月25日所有 Daytrip 司机都会说英语*以及他们的母语(有时还会说其他语言!)。他们很乐意与您讨论当地的历史和文化,并回答您可能有的任何问题。而且因为他们会说这种语言,他们能够为您提供一个独特的机会来接触当地文化。*Lite 服务的司机不要求会说英语,但必须符合所有其他标准。
小费不包括在内,也不是必须的,但如果您非常享受您的行程,可以选择给司机小费以表示感谢(10% 就足够了)。
Poland - Lithuania
Poland - Hungary
Poland - Germany
Poland - Lithuania
Slovakia - Poland
Lithuania - Poland
Czechia - Poland
Germany - Poland
Germany - Poland
Czechia - Poland
Slovakia - Poland
Hungary - Poland
Slovakia - Poland
Slovakia - Poland
Serbia - Poland
Czechia - Poland
Slovakia - Poland
Germany - Poland
Slovakia - Poland