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Nyon Castle

This sturdy medieval castle houses a fragile treasure - the town’s porcelain museum.

회사 소개

In the 13th century, the Lords of Prangins erected a castle on the site of Nyon’s ancient Roman ruins. In the 15th century, it passed into the hands of the Lords of Savoy and was extensively rebuilt. After falling under control of the Swiss Confederation, the castle became the seat of the Bernese bailiff. Today, the castle dominates the town from its hilltop position - which is unusual in itself in a region where most castles are at the water-level. Inside, historic porcelain from the town’s 18th century industry is displayed alongside special exhibitions of contemporary porcelain. Nyon’s museums all share a single ticket, so visitors can also head to the Roman Museum to see ancient artefacts excavated in the area, and the Lake Museum which is a comprehensive expose on Western Europe’s largest lake.


현지 시간오후 1:45 GMT+1
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