In the 1850s, the tiny town of Bobrka was on the cutting edge of industry. Here, the world’s first oil well and oil field kicked was opened in 1854, and local pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz first distilled kerosene and invented the kerosene lamp. The Museum of the Petroleum Industry present visitors with the history of Poland’s revolutionary petroleum industry. Here visitors will find two hand-sunk oil wells, called "Franek" and "Janina", that date from the late 1800s and are still operational, as well as former workshops, smithies, boilers, pumping gears, warehouses, office and residential rooms. Along with the industrial equipment, there is also an exhibition on Lukasiewicz himself.
In the 1850s, the tiny town of Bobrka was on the cutting edge of industry. Here, the world’s first oil well and oil field kicked was opened in 1854, and local pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz first distilled kerosene and invented the kerosene lamp. The Museum of the Petroleum Industry present visitors with the history of Poland’s revolutionary petroleum industry. Here visitors will find two hand-sunk oil wells, called "Franek" and "Janina", that date from the late 1800s and are still operational, as well as former workshops, smithies, boilers, pumping gears, warehouses, office and residential rooms. Along with the industrial equipment, there is also an exhibition on Lukasiewicz himself.
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