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The museums and archaeological sites around this city further enrich any visit to the famed geoglyphs.


While the geoglyphs get all the attention, the city of Nazca should be considered the archaeological capital. Built by the Spanish on an indigenous settlement, the arid desert area and parts of the city still rely on a system of ingenious aqueducts that could have been made by the Nazca as early as the 6th century. Just outside the city, there’s also the overlooked Paredones archaeological site, which served as an administrative center and is an interesting example of the organization behind the empire’s expansion. Of course, if you’re here, the Nazca Lines are also on your itinerary, so it’s worth paying a visit to the Maria Reiche Museum, which is dedicated to the German scientist who brought international attention to the geoglyphs, or the Museo Antonini, which exhibits Nazca artefacts.


Local time9:51 AM GMT-5
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