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Surrounded by dense green jungle and three rivers, the Amazon is inescapable in this small city.


Puyo might be small, but as the fastest growing city in Ecuador, the lush Amazonian jungle starts right on the outskirts of town, making it a convenient base to explore this part of the Amazon rainforest. It is home to three major rivers, Pastaza, Puyo, and Bobonaza, so waterfalls are not hard to find in this area. Puyo has a handsome cathedral with a striking interior which is worth a quick visit, and nearby the small but well stocked Museo Etnoarqueológico displays ceramics, artifacts, and models of traditional indigenous homes. Less than 1km north of the city centre is the ethnobotanical park Omaere, where tours taken mostly by indigenous guides educates you in all manner of rainforest life, from native plants to indiginous dwellings to ecological matters. Near the park is an observation platform which affords excellent views of the city, river and Omaere Park.


Local time1:44 AM GMT-5
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